Retina – (engl. retina) a delicate light-sensitive membrane lining the inner eyeball and connected by the optic nerve to the brain.

Fabrik – (engl. factory) an industrial plant with facilities for manufacturing


Retina Fabrik is a young film production company aiming to provide a new view on the creative fabrication of audio visual media. Founded in Berlin in 2010 by director Lukas Feigelfeld and cinematographer Mariel Baqueiro, it’s goal is to cover a production range from narrative film to music videos, spots and commercials.

Our ambition lies in taking the viewer by the hand and giving him an original experience that lies beyond the common eye.


Retina Fabrik ist eine junge Filmproduktionfirma mit dem Zweck einen neuartigen Blick auf die kreative Produktion von audio-visuellen Medien zu schaffen. Gegründet 2010 in Berlin von Regisseur Lukas Feigelfeld und Kamerafrau Mariel Baqueiro, haben wir uns als Ziel gesetzt einen Produktionsbereich von narrativem Spielfilm bis hin zu Musikvideos, Spots und Werbung abzudecken.

Unsere Motivation entsteht aus dem Interesse, dem und der ZuschauerIn eine originäre visuelle Erfahrung   zu bieten, die mit bekannten filmischen Sehgewohnheiten bricht.

clients commissioned work

Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Schinkel Pavillon Berlin, Freunde von Freunden, Berlin Atonal Festival, Boiler Room Berlin, Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Sony Music, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, Visit California, 25hours Hotels, Conichi – Hotel App,…

Lukas Feigelfeld

Lukas Feigelfeld is a film director based in Berlin.

His work focuses on narrative cinema, also ranges from video art and music videos  to commercial projects.

Born in in Vienna / Austria he studied photography and audio-visual media at die Graphische in Vienna. After studying one semester philosophy and art history at the University of Vienna, in 2007 he entered the German Film and Television Academy Berlin.

2010 he teamed up with the cinematographer Mariel Baqueiro to found the production office Retina Fabrik.

2016 he graduated from the filmacademy with his 1st feature film Hagazussa, which won several prices and was distributed internationally.

Lukas is represented by Talent Republic Agency


Hagazussa(2017 / dffb, retina fabrik / 102min)
Interferenz(2013 / dffb / 45min)
Beton(2011 / retina fabrik / 55min)
MÉXICO(2010 / arte, dffb / 6 min)
PILZ(2010 / dffb / 22min)
STROM(2008 / dffb / 8min)
Die Untersuchung(2008 / 7min)
SINKEN(2007 / 11min)
Verzweigungen(2006 / 25min)

Mariel Baqueiro

Mariel Baqueiro was born in México City and is based in Berlin since 2006. She studied film at the San Francisco Art Institute (U.S.A.) and CUEC (University Center for Film Studies-México).

She holds a degree as a Director of Photography from DFFB (German TV and Film Academy Berlin). Her graduation film Hagazussa has screened at several festivals, including BFI London and Sitges Film Festival, winning the best cinematography award at Cineapocalypse in Chicago, Diagonale Festival in Austria and awarded with the Michael Ballhaus Prize in 2018.

She has also been involved in productions with ARTE, Piano, Fidelio Films and Varios Lobos among others. She’s a co-founder of Retina Fabrik Filmproduktion together with Lukas Feigelfeld. Member of the Cinematographinnen Network and a member of the Deutsche Filmakademie. Starting 2021 she is invited to be part of the Mexican Society of Cinematographers (AMC).

Mariel is represented by Bernhard Koch Management



Faunadir. Nicolás Pereda (2020 / Interior13 Cine / 70min)
ColOZiodir. Artemio Narro (2020 / Distrito Films / 90min)
Hagazussadir. Lukas Feigelfeld .(2017 / dffb, retina fabrik / 102min)
Interferenzdir. Lukas Feigelfeld (2013 / dffb / 45min)
MÉXICOdir. Lukas Feigelfeld (2010 / arte, dffb / 6 min)
PILZdir. Lukas Feigelfeld (2010 / dffb / 22min)